Our Process
Consultation involves a visit to your property to collaborate with you to determine your precise lighting needs. We gather data to establish the exterior views to help with the design process, access landscaping, focal features, elevations, other potential lighting needs and provide information on the benefits of various lighting options.
Custom Design:
A custom design includes collaborating with our vendors to provide you with the perfect product for your individual needs.
Installation begins with a preliminary temporary set-up. Once the concept is approved, highly-trained, professional staff installs the transformer, wiring and fixtures
An evening visit after installation is performed to insure that the concept meets with your approval. Adjustments are made as necessary.
Maintenance & Service:
We offer maintenance service to optimize your investment by monitoring and maintaining your fixtures.
Phases & Additions:
There is no standard design template. Your project can be done in phases and additions can be made as your needs require.